Life as an Enneagram Type 7

emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

Enneagram Type 7

My therapist colleague, aka “work wife”, aka BFF Joanne Kim (OliveMe Couseling) and I are crafting a blog series about the Enneagram, a deeply insightful and multi layered personality framework that reveals our unconscious, “autopilot” patterns of engaging in the world.

In this series, someone from each Enneagram Type (Types One through Nine) will be sharing about their own journey of discovering and using the Enneagram for deep healing and personal growth.

In today’s post, we’ll be hearing from full-time grad student and therapist-in-training, Stefie Dominguez.

Other posts in the series:

What’s it like to be an Enneagram Type 7?

SYNTHESIZING MINDS: I've definitely noticed I love making connections about things that may seem unrelated to the naked eye. The interconnectedness of things. I even got an "endless knot" tattoo to symbolize that idea that everything is connected because it genuinely feels like a foundational reality in my life.

emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

GOOD BRAINSTORMERS: Brainstorming sessions are my absolute favorite. It's like my brain can go many different ways and I can think of so many different options and scenarios altogether. I'll give you many ideas; just don't ask me to follow through on them or lay out a strategic path to getting to the end goal. That's for Enneagram 1s :)

PREFERENCE FOR HAVING MANY OPTIONS: I love keeping my options open and I feel genuine anxiety when I feel like I'm being "trapped" into certain ways of going about things. When I feel like I'm being told what to think or do, I instinctively want to "rebel" against it.

emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

When did you first realize you were an Enneagram 7?

As soon as I found out about the Enneagram, it was pretty obvious to me and to my friends. I remember when I first took a test, 7 and 9 were my top two results. I certainly can see myself having a lot of 9 characteristics, although looking at my motivation, fears and triggers really confirmed my 7ness.

What do you wish people knew about Type 7s?

7s are really deep! We're just not deep with many people. I've noticed that an intellectual connection is absolutely necessary for me to feel like I can deeply bond with someone. Trust takes a bit of time, but once you're in that inner circle, you're really in and I cherish sharing the harder things with you. But if you're not in that inner circle I'm reeeeally good at keeping you out.

One thing you're working on to grow beyond your type.

For the past 2 years, I've really dug deep into what it means for me to be present in the moment and connected to my body. It is ridiculously easy for me to feel like I went an entire day in my head and thoughts, which really affects my mood. Really learning to sit in pain without avoiding it, meditating on the present, and connecting to my body through yoga have all been essential to my growth toward being someone who can be still and aware of the here and now.

emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

interested in learning your enneagram & growing through enneagram counseling?

emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

Hi, I’m Melinda

I’m a therapist who uses the Enneagram and Brainspotting to help 20 & 30-somethings understand and change unhelpful patterns, love themselves, and navigate all the big transitions and emotions that come with where they are in life.


1) Empaths and “HSPs” who feel deeply and are afraid that something is “wrong” with them or have been told that they are too “sensitive”

2) Helpers or “over-givers” who want healthier relationships with themselves and others

3) Enneagram enthusiasts who want to grow

4) Premarital and young couples wanting to start their marriage off on the right foot