Personal Styling + Enneagram = Me!

Do you find yourself drawing a complete blank when you look inside your closet to get dressed in the morning?

Or, do you want to work on standing out, even though the idea of people actually noticing you makes make you want to run home and hide under the covers?

Maybe you feel that you’ve done a TON of inner growth work, but the way you are currently presenting yourself on the outside doesn’t quite match the person you’ve become on the inside.

OR maybe you try to get dressed in the morning, but as you search your closet you feel uninspired, anxious, confused, or downright panicked.


queen, I got you.

(that includes all you masc & non-bianary Queens too!)


I use my extensive knowledge of Enneagram growth, combine it with my obsession with all things pretty, and BAM.

I help my clients gain confidence by helping them find a personal style that reflects who they are becoming on the inside.

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Look, I’m not going to stand here and tell you that clothes are the most important thing to focus on when the world is falling apart. BUT.

Q: You’re a therapist! How are you qualified to be a personal stylist?

A: Look. I’m a sexual instinct 2 working on using my powers for good. I’ve been doing personal styling since 2004. Yes. I am that old.

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