Create A New Year's Vision


Goodbye, 2020!

I don’t know about you, but I am READY to see 2020 die. I guess this goes without saying, but this has been a historically, epically, tragically, insane year. With 2021 in sight, I’m starting to see the light at the end of the COVID tunnel, and I for one am here. for. it. God, remember going out? Yeah, me too. Those were good times. Anyway, naturally this time of year inspires some of us to reflect on the year prior and to look toward the next, and I’ve found that to be especially true as I say good riddance to 2020 (don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out) and look towards 2021. 

emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

Welcome, 2021!

Enter this end of year visioning exercise. I started doing this practice back in December of 2019 (you know, like a million and a half years ago). Back then I was feeling really burned out and just...done. It had been a tough year of scrapping to launch and sustain Inviterra Counseling (my therapy private practice) and I was getting thwarted at seemingly every turn. At the same time, I was learning how to parent a precocious toddler (if you have or have ever had a toddler, you get it and Godspeed to you) and find a new home. In the middle of all that, I was having a hard time figuring out how to grow in my self-care and self-awareness.

This is embarrassing for me to admit, but most of 2019 I was in survival mode, with barely enough energy to get through the week. I needed rest, a larger vision, and a sustainable direction for the next year. When I did a variation of this reflection that December, I was surprised to find that I not only received those things, but also gave myself the chance to reconnect to all that passion and ambition I had started the year out with.


A Vision for the New Year

So, I think we all know that 2020 couldn’t really be planned for. However, this exercise helped me start the year off with clarity of purpose, a medium term and short term vision, along with a plan to make it happen. It felt GREAT, and Lord knows that enneagram 2s (ahem, ME) need to really focus on carving out time to connect to their needs/wants.

So, should you find yourself looking toward 2021 and feeling adrift, confused, overwhelmed, or just unclear about what you’re wanting for yourself, I suggest printing out the resource I’ve provided below and spending just an hour or two over the holidays going through it. I’ve also included directions just in case. Just as a side note, this exercise is great for couples too! I hope it helps you find some clarity and feel a sense of agency over your next year (whatever comes along with it).  


Need more help planning realizing your New Year’s vision?


emotionally focused therapy, couples therapy, premarital therapy, premarital counseling, enneagram counseling, enneagram therapy, online therapy, trauma therapy, brainspotting, San Jose therapy, enneagram, enneagram 2, enneagram 4, enneagram 8, enne…

Hi, I’m Melinda

I’m a therapist who uses the Enneagram and Brainspotting to help 20 & 30-somethings understand and change unhelpful patterns, love themselves, and navigate all the big transitions and emotions that come with where they are in life.

What my clients often look like:

1) Empaths and “HSPs” who feel deeply and are afraid that something is “wrong” with them or have been told that they are too “sensitive”

2) Helpers or “over-givers” who want healthier relationships with themselves and others

3) Enneagram enthusiasts who want to grow

4) Premarital and young couples wanting to start their marriage off on the right foot

Can you relate?


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